
Andreasen's Trading Company


Morganite Zodiac: Libra Element: Water Chakra: Heart Morganite is an extremely high vibrational stone but gentle at the same time. It promotes the feeling of unconditional love, inner strength, and confidence. Also bringing joy and peace back into your life. Those who are not a pair with Rose Quartz will find this feminine stone more suitable. It opens your heart to receive messages that are trying to reach you from beyond. Wearing this crystal is know to attract ones sole mate. Amethyst Zodiac: Virgo Element: Air & Water Chakra: Third Eye Chakra & Crown Amethyst is a protective stone. It relieves anxiety, insomnia, and grief. Alleviates negativity and encourages sobriety. Encourages selflessness and positivity. Stimulating properties to enhance short and long term memory. Assists in remembering and understand dreams. Raises hormone production, tuning the endocrine system and metabolism. It is known as a natural tranquilizer, cleansing blood and fights cancer. Raising frequency to boost immune system and reduce inflammation. Helps with skin breakouts and cellular disorders. Assists in respiratory track and lung diseases. Hematite Zodiac: Aquarius Element: Earth Chakra: Root Hematite is a protective stone. Helps transfer negative energy into positive vibrations. It is high in iron helping with anemia and blood clots. They are very grounding and balancing. Heightens self confidence. It also helps with insomnia and bringing cooling energy into the body. Boosts self esteem and promotes creativity.

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