
Andreasen's Trading Company


Fire Agate Zodiac: Aires, Leo & Sagittarius Element: Fire Chakra: Root & Sacral Fire Agate is a grounding stone that helps us to feel energetically protected. This feeling makes it easier to build a strong and healthy emotional foundation that can whether the storms of life. It’s energy is also a wonderful aphrodisiac, helping us to attract new lovers and incite passion in existing relationships. The calming energy soothes the anxiety others inflict on our lives. It is said to build a protective shield around the body, protecting our aura. Fire Agate is thought to help reduce cravings of all types, including food and self destructive thoughts and behavior. Blue Aventurine Zodiac: Element: Wind & Water Chakra: Throat & Third Eye Blue Aventurine’s energy is very calming and helps us stand tall and serene. The effects help us to be less affected by outside influences. Blue Aventurine can be highly beneficial in overcoming bad habits, such as smoking, overeating, and substance-abuse, or in dissolving negative traits, such as passive aggressive tendencies. It provides us with the confidence we need to handle new situations and maturity. Blue Aventurine encourages us to see life as an adventure and ourselves as pioneers, and that being a mature adult in our full power is a very desirable state. It reminds us that we have the power to do great things, and stimulates both our creativity and our leadership skills. Howlite Zodiac: Gemini Element: Air Chakra: Crown Howlite is a powerful calming stone. Those who have trouble falling asleep would benefit wearing this bracelet before going to bed. It slows down the chaos of the mind and puts you at peace. It can also help to eliminate bursts of anger relieving your body from stress. This will lead to better ways of communicating with those you are not aligned with while still getting your point across. Howlite is also known to help with calcium levels and osteoporosis.

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